Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Make money with stocks and make it fast.

    Making money in the stock market can be very stressful and time consuming. Like finding a stock broker that will give you a fair rate and good advise,or researching the right stocks to invest in or how much to invest in that stock.All these things can be very stressful and make your investing experience a small nightmare.The truth of it all is that the stock market can be very profitable and that is not something that you want to miss out on so let me try to bring some light to the end of your tunnel with some easy steps to live by when choosing a broker ,stocks or even other ways to invest .
If you are a serous person that really wants to get into the stock market and make some real money or even if you were like me and wanted to just test the waters to see what its all about these are basic strategies that will make you money no matter what . In the winter of 2008 i got layed off from my job and things weren't going my way at all so I remembered something my grandfather had said to me when I was nine and that was (work hard for your money then let your money work hard for you) so I looked into the stock market and read just about every thing you can read on the subject and still i was very sceptical about investing what little money i had left ,but I also new money was tight and i couldn't afford to loss . However if you don't take risks you wont make gains so I researched brokers and did like what i was herring ,I didn't want some guy that i didn't know to gamble with what little money i had left.I had spoke to a friend of mine and he suggested that i signed up for a free account at sharebuilder.com and check out what they had to offer.So thats what i did .Share builder works like this pick the basic plan and day trade which will cost you 10.00 in and 10.00 out so you need to make sure you clear 20.00 in profit.
I researched stocks according to the things i did or believed in but i soon realized that most of these stocks were at high costs and I had a total of 800.00 to play around with . So the first thing i did was made a investment in something i used daily and that was yahoo , I payed 13.00 a share for it and sat back and hoped and prayed.I waited till it was up to 15.00 and then sold for 915.00 that was a profit of 115.00 -20=105,So now i have 905 and i feel like this can really work but i still had the fear of losing it all with in minutes.Back to researching stocks ,sharebuilder has a great tool called a stock grader and they will give you a free trail of use so take advantage of it .I search for stocks with in the financial sector because i new banks and the housing market would have to turn around ,Not to get off the subject but to find the latest news on money,stocks and investments go to cnbc,but back to banks i used bank of America at the time and they had come way down on there stock price so i had put my money in them and in the housing market fannie mae.Fannie i bought at .98 cents and sold for 1.33 and then later bought them again and they dropped to .28 and i will hold on till there doing better they are a 30.00 stock .Bank of America i bought  for 11.00 and sold at 18.00 and had bought again later on for 13.00 and will hold till they go back to there 20.00 a share position.I then had got into penny stocks and i know some people say penny stocks are risky but i was willing to take that risk i found Eri they are in the tech sector and bought them for .43 and sold for 1.26 at 2000 shares, that was good money for one weeks pay.
Research is a vital process of buying stock research can only help your gains and improve your odds so with that said i highly suggest it ,Once you make a couple thousand dollars the goal is to invest for a longer period of time which will allow you to turn over higher profits.I use cnbc for all my stock reports and yahoo fiance and google fiance ,they are the best in my eyes some say those are for beginners but those resources make the most sense to me and thats what this is all about that is the point i am pushing follow what you believe and you will get good out of it .Everything i spoke about tonight is just the beginning of how the stock market made me money all these topics worked for me and this was all done with in 6months time .

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